Nepal Appeal - We going out to complete the second School
We’ve not posted much recently and its now very much history as far as National Media is concerned, but that does not mean things have stopped in Nepal for those that live there, or the Charity support. Many of you will have followed the progress of the many rural homes that we have built in one of the worst affected areas, and the completion of the School in Kodari where we have had a long link of supporting this community when we built a classroom in 2009.
The Nepal Appeal Charity has been funding the rebuild of another very rural school in the same region at Siranchour. During my visit in September, I was working with the Mandala organisation, our partnered team on the ground who are over seeing the projects we are supporting. As part of this visit, we travelled extensively by jeep and on foot to see where our help would be most useful and came across the temporary school at Siranchour high up in the foothills.
Their School was demolished in the earthquake and a temporary bamboo structure was in its place and I was lucky enough to spend time with the children and locals seeing how much even this temporary structure meant to them. We agreed to fund the rebuild of a permenant school whilst we were there and the next project was identified.
On the 26th April I’ll be heading a team of volunteers from the midlands who will be accompanying me out to Nepal. We will be spending a week visiting the projects already supported by the Charity, but also aiming to complete the school at Siranchour helping with the last bit of plumbing, painting and electrics before handing it over to the community.
The construction under way at Siranchour school - The second of the Charities funded rural schools which we complete this Easter.
Some of the team will also be spending time with the children and community structuring some sessions to include lessons and sport, and we will be taking resources out with us to support this, and to leave with them. One of the Charity Trustees, who is a teacher, will be spending time with the rural school staff from each of the schools we are supporting to consider the long term needs and support we can give them regarding resources and their future education system.
One of my roles whilst I’m there will be to hike to another rural school that has been identified in the same region that was dramatically affected as a result of the earthquake and desperately needs support. In addition to this, there are villages who are currently walking 2 hours to reach fresh water each day as their piped supplies were ruptured during the earthquake - we’ll see what support we can give to help them.

We’ll visit each home and school supported by the Charity and identify other projects that need our support.
I’ll be filming out in Nepal and uploading updates during our time out there, so you can see how all of the funds you have helped to raise are being spent and the difference it is making to real lives on the ground in Nepal.
For many joining me this will be their first time to Nepal, so following the Charity project work I’ll then be guiding the group to the opposite side of the country supporting some of the local operators and highlighting the fact that Nepal is ‘open for business as usual’ as it strives to get Tourism back to the levels of income it needs. We’ll be completing a 5 day trek to 3100m and 3 days white water rafting for them to experience what Nepal does best - adventure travel!
I’ll be writing regular blogs and Facebook entries to follow.
Again, thanks for the massive ongoing Charity support. Due to public response we will be hosting a number of events later this spring and through the summer that you can get involved with, to help the long term financial support of the projects that the Charity is funding.